Go Green at these Shamrock Shops & Upcoming local Irish Events
Ballyhugh Irish Imports
235 South White Horse Pike
Audubon, NJ 08106
Ph: 856-546-0946
Email: info@ballyhughshop.com
Website: facebook.com/ballyhugh
Emerald Gifts
137 Parsippany Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Ph: 973-884-3241
Email: edhansberry69@gmail.com
Irish Centre
1120 Third Ave, Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Ph: 732-449-6650
website: www.njirish.com
Faith & Begorra
40 Broadway, Denville, NJ 07834
Ph: 973-625-0070
website: www.faithandbegorra.com
The Pipers Cove
212 Kearny Ave, Kearny, NJ 07032
Ph: 201-998-3695
website: www.piperscove.com
Ph: 732-747-4433
30 Monmouth St, Red Bank
130 North Broadway, South Amboy
email: oireland@msn.com
March 20, 21, 22, 2015
“Once Upon A Leprechaun”
Based on the book by Patrick Rainville Dorn, the show is presented by the Spotlight
Players. All performances held at the First Presbyterian Church on Rt. 34 &
Franklin St, Matawan. Call for times, 732-583-7874.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Highlands St. Patrick’s Day Parade @2:00 pm
Starting at Huddy Park, proceeding down Bay Avenue, the parade will march along
a one-mile stretch of Bay Ave. Expect to see bagpipers, local marching bands and
Keyport St. Patrick’s Day Parade @1:00 pm
The parade kicks off from St. Joseph's Church, Maple Pl, goes down West Front St
to Broad St, and ends at Firemen's Park.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Celtic Woman
Irish music sensation, Celtic Woman is an all-female group. Their North American
tour brings them to the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. Their set list
includes traditional Celtic tunes and modern songs.
March 18-20, 2015
Irish Week 2015, Flavor of Freehold
Experience local restaurants at a discount, featuring the sound of bagpipers and
holiday specials. Visit downtownfreehold.com for event times, and to find out more
about their pub crawl.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
The Very Best of Celtic Thunder
7:30 pm
Spend an evening listening to an eclectic collection of the group’s best-loved and most popular songs from the past seven years. Celtic Thunder is accompanied by a live symphony orchestra.
Count Basie Theatre, 99 Monmouth St, Red Bank
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Spring Lake Irish Festival on the Irish Riviera
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Enjoy Irish music, dancing, food, shopping and other festivities in downtown Spring Lake (Third Ave). Sponsored by the Spring Lake Chamber of Commerce.
Central Jersey Irish Festival
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
This family event features Irish craft vendors, step dancers, bagpipes and drums with traditional Irish Music by Sean Hennessey and Amadaun. For the little ones, there will be pony rides, face painting and sand art. The festival is sponsored by The Ancient Order of Hibernians (Freehold and Jackson divisions), American Highlander Kilts & Rinn Duin Brewery. There is a $5 entry fee for everyone over 14. Hibernians and their families enter for free with your current traveling card. Festival parking and entrance is at Lake Topanemus Park, 150 Robertsville Road, Freehold, NJ. For more information, check out their website at www.centraljerseyirishfestival.org.

#shamrockshops #irish #irishriviera #irishweek #BallyhughIrishImports #EmeraldGifts #IrishCentre #FaithBegorra #ThePipersCove #OIreland #OnceUponALeprechaun #HighlandsStPatricksDayParade #KeyportStPatricksDayParade #CelticWoman #IrishWeek2015FlavorofFreehold #TheVeryBestofCelticThunder #SpringLakeIrishFestival #CentralJerseyIrishFestival